Friday, December 31, 2010

365 days passed and 365 to come. 

I am sure i’m not the only one that on the 1/1/11  will sit and crucify themselves between the two thieves, the regret of the past year and the fear of the next. I say Screw 2010 and all the occurrences of such a year and enter the next with a clear mind.
The over used and over rated goal setting known as a new years resolution.   I want to loose 10kg, I want to quit smoking; I will only drink once a week, I will exercise once a day.
All these new goals people set internationally that have a new burst of motivation that comes with the new year which tends to fade quite rapidly as we venture into a new year. I am not a strong believer in the new years resolution but see it as a time to your mind of all thoughts and start a new.
My first day of the new year will be spent in Victoria with some amazing people and from there I look to not fear the tomorrow but live the today.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

If something makes you depressed is it really worth it? 
If failing at something makes you so upset then you must really love it.

Monday, December 13, 2010

I am not going to wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions that I will face. So what! I will get started now. With each step I take I will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self confident and more and more successful.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I remember the days we spent together,
Were not enough, it used to feel like dreaming
Except we always woke up,
Never thought not having you here now
Would hurt so much

Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up
And know the stars are 
Holding you tonight

I remember the time you sat and told me

About your Jesus, and how not to look back
Even if no one believes us
When it hurts so bad, sometimes
Not having you here

Its not how hard you can kick, its how well you can rebound after being kicked that makes a person!

Monday, December 6, 2010



A Victorian afternoon like no other.  What started with a salmon and avocado roll and what ended with bucket loads of precipitation.

     “Are there seals here?”
     “What I have never seen a seal”
     “Are you for real, get in the car, seal rocks here we come”

Multiple fruit tingles as an energy source and we were off. Three different human beings go on a quest for a seal.
After the seal rocks binoculars greedily consumed six dollars worth of two-dollar coins our hopes of seeing a seal were quickly shattered.  Our faces that were earlier raped by the Victorian sun were soon to be wind burnt and hec the way the Victorian weather systems work lightning was hunting us down and following our quest. Apart from the monstrous storm creeping towards us we decided to lower our expectations and settle for the sight of a seal no longer with us.  
After a short stroll towards the infamous Right Point and the realization that Thursday the second of December was not a seal day we called an afternoon and afternoon. Despite the disappointment, soggy clothes and sunburn those afternoon hours were enjoyed by all parties. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

There comes a time in your life, when you realise who matters, who doesnt and who always will. So, dont worry about people from your past, theres a reason they didnt make it to your future.

^^^^ Cliche maybe but very true. I have come to realise there are very few people outside of family who really do care, who really do matter and they are the ones I want in my future. If someone doesn't have your best interests at heart are they really worth it?

Friday, November 12, 2010

 16 years of life all ready completed. As these years travel by I am slowly creeping towards my fear of the future. This time in 12 months on the 11.11.11 I will be celebrating my 18th birthday and signing out of school. Making the terrifying decision that plays on my mind day in day out.  What does my future hold… Surfing? Bond University? 
Why I am so fearful towards the years that await me I am yet to figure out. I should be comfortable at where I stand I have two options but this so-called “back-up plan” is yet to cure my fear. I hate not knowing what awaits me. I would give anything to have a glance into the future and discover what awaits me in years to come.
Although I fear the future so much I am doing everything to enjoy the present I have some amazing people in my life who made my birthday very special and I am so greatful of all of them and everything they do for me. Thank you all so much for being apart of my life and making by day of birth one to remember. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Lost Iron
To live remains an art which everyone must learn, and which no one can teach.


Today the surfing world didn’t just lose a world champion but an icon to the sport. Andy Irons was a rock in building surfing and constantly pushing levels to the extreme to get it to where it is today. One of the only people to ever  fully push Kelly Slater, Andy will go down as one of the best surfers to ever live. After just 32 years of life no one has had enough. I can only imagine what those close to him are feeling. What I have learned is that from every negative you must find the positive and build from it, it will make us all realize that life is short and we will never know where the finish line lies. Remember all those people that mean the world to you and tell them reassure them that you are so grateful of everything they have ever done for you. To those people you don’t get along with life is to short to hold grudges and apologies take no effort at all. Live as if everyday is your last, never look back and have no regrets. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

As people spin faster and faster in the pursuit of merely personal happiness, they become exhausted in the futile effort of chasing themselves.

12 hours spent stationary in the 3rd largest city in Indonesia known as Padang on my recent jet set to the Mentawais. With an open mind I spent my day talking with the youth of Indonesia. As enjoyable as the day was talking to such an amazing group of individuals it did only one thing, opened my eyes to the realization of the Australian society I am trapped in but would fear so greatly to leave. These young children go through everyday with nothing yet still have an ability to find a purpose. Yet so many of us have everything and fail to find happiness and satisfaction, have we lost the ability to find happiness from nothing? Are we no longer able to seek purpose through our relationships with others? Has our society reached the point that wealth and success are the only key ingredients to an individual’s happiness? Sadly I believe so! I am not saying that I am any different but I will take the challenge to change. To remove the words ‘I WANT’ from my vocabulary and be thankful for what I have. In every dull moment I will remind my self that more then half of the world is worse off then I. Those many things that I take for granted that these young children value so deeply. 
I constantly crucify myself between two thieves: The regret of the past and the fear of the future.