Friday, December 31, 2010

365 days passed and 365 to come. 

I am sure i’m not the only one that on the 1/1/11  will sit and crucify themselves between the two thieves, the regret of the past year and the fear of the next. I say Screw 2010 and all the occurrences of such a year and enter the next with a clear mind.
The over used and over rated goal setting known as a new years resolution.   I want to loose 10kg, I want to quit smoking; I will only drink once a week, I will exercise once a day.
All these new goals people set internationally that have a new burst of motivation that comes with the new year which tends to fade quite rapidly as we venture into a new year. I am not a strong believer in the new years resolution but see it as a time to your mind of all thoughts and start a new.
My first day of the new year will be spent in Victoria with some amazing people and from there I look to not fear the tomorrow but live the today.

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